What kind of headlight bulb does my car take ?
Every moving vehicle on road required a headlight bulb. You will find a set of headlight bulb in front of your car; you will detect different kind of bulbs for different situations like a pair of low beams and high beam. Low beam headlights can be used in areas with good light and high beam headlights can be used in areas with poor light.
When you are replacing the headlight bulb, you will see that there is a wide range of headlights to be fit in. It depends of various situations like how old is your car, is the engine is new or used engine and so many other things. Here is the detailed guide to help you choose the accurate headlight bulb for your car.
Which Headlight You Should Choose?
As the headlight is necessary, otherwise it can cause accident. Every headlight is placed with a bulb; but only the correct size of bulb will fit into it. You can choose different bulb style like, Halogen, LED and HID headlights. Here is a breakdown about what is the use of each headlight:
Halogen Headlights
Most of the cars have halogen headlight which comes direct from the factory. How does its works? It works because it contain the halogen gas which glows brightly when the current passes through the thin tungsten filament in bulb as it heats up. The color of glow is usually slightly yellow just like sun light.
These bulbs are the least expensive among the various options of bulb. It produces the more heat and consumes more energy but the life of bulb is short with the periods of 2,500hrs and after that it requires to replace.
LED Headlights
How does it work? It works when the electric current is passing through a microchip produced by LED headlights. There is no gas or filament which glow the bulb in red-hot color like a halogen headlight. Life span of LED headlights is way longer and consumes less energy as compares to the Halogen. Here in LED lights you can find the wide range of colors but it generally produces bright white light.
These LED bulbs are quiet expensive but its appearance is so modern that now manufacturers in factories are equipping it for many models of car. When it comes to purchase the Halogen headlight there are only few aftermarket options available but that is not the case in LED headlight.
HID Headlights
In HID headlights, HID stands for High-intensity discharge. How does it work? It works as same as halogen bulbs, which means it, has a glass tube which is filling with gas but in this case the gas is Xenon. It glows when bulb sends high voltage of power between the electrodes and tube, just like a neon sign.
To start, it needs a more power. These bulbs are very expensive as compares to the Halogen and LED headlights. But its life span is also 10.000hours which is worth of money. Vehicles which come with HID headlights directly from factory cannot equip any other kind of headlight.
These were the all different kinds of headlight bulbs, after reading this Blog you will get to know that you should go for which bulb.
In The End
In summary, we conclude that there are three kinds of headlights with different specifications and price. Here we have discussed all three kinds of headlight bulbs for you to choose the accurate one for your car.